Have your Google rankings changed?

Have your Google rankings changed?


Ian Murray

Google Core Update

Google constantly run-updates to the search engine to ensure that the results being displayed are accurate to that of what the user has searched. The latest update to the algorithm came in July 2021 and was known as the Core Algorithm update. Any subsequent changes you may have seen in rankings for your business will more than likely be as a result of this. Google SearchLiaison announced on 13/07/21, that the July 2021 core update roll-out is now effectively complete.

Why was the update required?

Google has published a post by Danny Sullivan on the company blog explaining the latest update process. Google is trying to be more transparent with its latest updates to help ensure websites who are negatively impacted by the changes are given fair warning and a reasonable explanation as to why the changes were not only made, but necessary.

How can I help my website comply?

Google uses approximately 200 factors that can impact website ranking. Some of the these include:

  • Mobile-friendliness.
  • Offering a safe browsing experience.
  • Presenting the web-page through HTTPS.
  • Elimination of intrusive pop-ups.
  • Maintain short and clean website code.
  • Get rid of any third-party scripts that slow down your website.
  • Improve site responsiveness with the help of a browser cache.

Looking for help to improve your website rankings?

We offer a range of services undertaken by our team of skilled web design & digital marketing experts that can help to improve your website rankings and conversions. Speak to a member of our team and see how we can help you.

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