
Helpful content update


Tom Barber

Google recently announced a major update to its search algorithm, the “helpful content” update. This is an important step forward in terms of providing users with helpful and relevant content that can effectively answer their queries. By prioritising “quality over quantity” of content, Google is doing its part to help...

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Have your Google rankings changed?


Ian Murray

Google constantly run-updates to the search engine to ensure that the results being displayed are accurate to that of what the user has searched. The latest update to the algorithm came in July 2021 and was known as the Core Algorithm update. Any subsequent changes you may have seen...

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Introduction to Google Analytics 4


Tom Barber

Google have recently released early access to their latest update to Google Analytics. If you log in and see the below, you are able to become an early adopter of Google Analytics 4. The main difference between Google Analytics 4 and previous versions is the event-driven data model....

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How to set up Facebook Pixel using Google Tag Manager


Tom Barber

Before we get started, please ensure you have the following open and ready to go: Follow steps from page views but change: In the Custom HTML tag we need to change the 1st parameter to trackCustom. You can use code similar to...

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Google Business Centre Short Names


Ian Murray

Your Google short name is in essence very similar to your ‘page username’ on Facebook and provides an easy way to access your Google My Business profile for users. Google has recently introduced a new feature to the Google My Business Centre dashboard called ‘short name’. It allows business...

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